Our Programs

At the Beechwood Animal Shelter, we're proud of our innovative programs that help animals as well as the local community. Our primary mission is rescue of abandoned pets and stray dogs and cats. We work to place rescued animals in loving, safe permanent homes as quickly as possible, but some animals may take longer to find a new family. That's where our pet foster care program comes in. Animals that require a little more attention and care, such as pregnant or recuperating animals, or those that we don't currently have the room for at our main facility, can live temporarily in volunteers' homes. If you can't adopt another permament member into your pet family, please consider becoming a pet foster caregiver today!

All animals that come through our facility are examined and treated in our on-site veterinary hospital. All animals are spayed or neutered, as well as given microchip identification. Affordable veterinary care is also available to the public, whether your pet originally came from our shelter or not.

The companionship of animals can lower blood pressure, ease stress, and provide other health benefits to all people, especially older adults. However, many older adults are on fixed incomes. Through our Seniors for Seniors program, we waive the adoption fee and provide other discounted services to people 60 and older who adopt a pet 5 years of age or older. We also visit local nursing homes and assisted living communities with some of our animals to provide residents who cannot have their own pets a chance to enjoy the love and companionship of a gentle cat or dog each month.

Another community outreach effort is our Humane Education program. We visit local schools to teach children how to be responsible pet owners, how to properly hold and touch animals, and when to leave them alone. We can also provide small group tours of our facilities.

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Nullam dolor. Nulla mauris quam, pulvinar sed, tristique et, elementum eget, neque. Etiam porttitor, urna id venenatis placerat, orci enim ullamcorper mauris, suscipit placerat mi odio et lorem. Vestibulum dui elit, porttitor rutrum, accumsan quis, dignissim eget, ligula. Proin mollis. Mauris hendrerit aliquam turpis. Aliquam nec ipsum euismod mi consequat rutrum. Morbi erat dui, aliquet eu, iaculis quis, lobortis vel, leo. Aenean eget diam. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras dignissim lectus nec nulla. Donec tincidunt. Sed sed felis at dolor ornare pulvinar. Suspendisse quis justo non neque pulvinar mollis. Praesent id sapien. Sed posuere. Cras orci pede, euismod eu, congue vel, suscipit eu, ligula. Nulla condimentum, mi in elementum lacinia, tellus nunc porttitor turpis, nec pulvinar leo metus sit amet arcu.